"I believe that Ali would be joyed to hear this news. It will give him something to look forward to. It's also the right thing. He deserves to know the truth." Mocha finished cleaning the counters as I tried to imagine myself in Ali's shoes.
I don't know why but Mocha always gave me the best advice. She really is the best mother I never had I don't know what to do without her. As she had gotten her latest promotion she only had to work just one day a week. How lucky is that. With all her free time she offered to babysit Amaranth on the condition that I went back to school and got a part time job. It was a done deal Amaranth was growing older and I wanted to provide for him as much as I could. I want to make something of myself to make him proud.
All the transcripts were complete and I was enrolled the following week I could rejoin Drizzle and Ananas; who has stayed on studying at our school. I was happy to be back and learning. Yes those whispers were still there. This time I just thought of Amaranth and how I am doing it all for him.
Finding a job on the other hand was difficult I had to fit it around school as well as giving Amaranth the most of my time. I figured at least having two whole days at the weekend would be best as we could go out to the beach or the fishing lake. Hoping that there was a vacancy at the grocers I sent in my C.V. I wasn't expecting much. Why would they hire an unwed teen mum.
"EEK they hired me. Just like that no interview." I had just put the phone down after hearing the good news and telling everyone within earshot. Well actually screeching it it. My first ever job how exciting. Finally I am taking control of my actions.
Working and studying hardly gave me any time with Amaranth, which I really missed so when it was the weekend I made sure that I made up for the time lost in the week.
I could actually drive now that I could afford to buy a car. Since dad was away on another tour Mocha taught me. It was easier now to go to the beach and over to the fishing spot since it doesn't take half a day to get there and back.
With all my busyness I didn't realize that my big birthday was coming up. Which in turn I couldn't freak out over it. But it also didn't leave me much time to grieve on the loss of being a teen. I had passed all my courses, I now no longer need to go to school. Drizzle and Ananas had gotten engaged and were planning to go to university in France (with a more reliable internet coverage) and I had Amaranth.
For my big birthday we could afford a bigger celebration, where we hired out out the beach pier. It was such a nice day. Besides Dad, Mocha and Amaranth there was Drizzle, Ananas and my work colleague Peach Melba with her daughter Peach-puff.
Dad was the entertainment, he did his world renowned act for us. There was music, good food and of course CAKE. Then came the moment everyone was waiting for the blowing out of the candles. That was it I was finally an young adult no longer a teen. I didn't feel any different but then why would it.
While my days no longer consisted of going to school I could take my mornings and have play dates at the park with Peach and Peach-puff. Amaranth loved all the attention I was giving him.
Having another person who is a parent to speak to was a relief especially when our children are the same age. It really helped that she was a single parent too.
"Have you figured out what you are going to do?" Peach knew that I was having thoughts about quitting the grocers.
"No I just don't have any ideas. I keep looking in the papers but there is nothing, When I was at school I used to love doing P.E. but its not like I can just join a professional sports team. Don't you need to get like all those scholarships to go to university and then get chosen by scouts?" I really had been looking not only with the paper but looking online and even on notice boards but there was nothing.
" You don't have to go straight to the top you know there are other ways you can use what you learned. Hey why not apprentice, Peachie goes to a Gymboree so why not do that I am sure they would love to have helpers you never know where it might take you, I am sure you can even get classes that Amaranth gets to join in too."
She had a point I could do this, maybe spend more time with Amaranth. He could spend more time with other children and less time outside in his garden.
It was decided I would go to the Gymboree and ask to do an apprenticeship. I was feeling lucky that I would get accepted. It wasn't to be they said I had to work my way up to working with the children but that was fine I get to start my new job that week. Soon I shall be working as a sports coach in the Gymboree.
Dad and Mocha had been planning a trip to travel the world to help promote Dad's act. He had wanted to do this for years but felt like it was never the right time to uproot the whole family especially when I had Amaranth.
"Dad you really should go for it. I am old enough to stay here and look after the house. It would be less of a hassle to drag us around with you. and Mocha deserves to get some quality time with you. We will still be here" I could see it in his face that he didn't want to leave but at the same time he was sad that he would miss this opportunity.
"Honey we can't just leave you two in this house what about the bills, what about child care. This is a serious decision that we can't take lightly." He was getting agitated, he was close to dropping the whole thing.
"Look I make enough to cover the bills and that includes childcare. Now listen the only thing I want you to do is wait till after Amaranths big birthday. I want you there for that. Deal?" He was softening. For someone who was hardly around due to the amount of tours he took around the country he was very protective and yet he agreed to the terms but as long as I stayed in touch (which was a no brainer).
They had started packing all of their stuff and booked their tickets as well as putting everything into my name so I can carry on with all the bills. By the time it was Amaranth's birthday they were raring to go.
I was fretting over Amaranths big birthday. I will soon have a child that would be starting school and Dad and Mocha will be leaving. This house would be empty and since we had built onto it to include a a second floor It would be even more noticeable.
The day came anyway we all decided that we should have his birthday at the house. Amaranths eyes kept drifting to the cake so we decided to cut it early.
"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Amaranth, Happy birthday to you". This was it my baby was growing up. He was no longer going to be able to be held in my arms like a baby.
He grew up into such a cutie and so tall. I was so proud of him that I was fighting back tears. I knew then that we would be alright.
Afterwards he went off with his Papa, I could see that he was given a box. What ever was on the box put a huge smile on his face as they hugged each other.
While everyone was eating Peach-Puff and Amaranth were racing around the garden. This would be the last time that we would all be together and yet I was so happy.