"Hey stranger, where have you been hiding out?" Alizarin said as he ran to catch up to me with Drizzle in tow.
"Where have you been Nilly, we have been worried. I tried calling at your house but your dad said you didn't want to see anyone." It pained me to see Drizzle upset.
"I just haven't been in the mood to see anyone, Drizzle. I am sorry." I hadn't seen them for so long, they looked so different. More grown up.
"Hey cheer up, come on, new school year! What electives are you taking?" I just couldn't help but smile at Drizzle's enthusiasm. "Now that smile looks better. I was thinking of taking a language class, maybe French. Ooh, I also want to do the IT course but that fills up so fast. What about you, Ali?"
"I don't care what I do, I am just passing the time till I can travel when I am eighteen. Nilly, you're so quiet!"
I wasn't going to tell them everything. Well, not yet anyway. It would be too hard to tell them about it.
So the day went okay. I went to my lessons. I chose Critical Thinking and Physical Education as my electives. It wasn't because I wanted to do them, they were the only lessons left.
There were a few from my old school in my class, luckily no Plum. She went to one of those boarding schools. It was a positive, I guess.
That was my life for a few months. Going to school, then going to Drizzle's after school, then home. I still hadn't gotten over the news but at least this routine kind of numbed the pain.
I knew Drizzle and Alizarin knew that I still wasn't myself. Even when I had a smile on my face they could see through it. They didn't think I noticed their looks to each other, but I did.
I was called over to Drizzle's house. He sounded nervous. I didn't know what he wanted. I tried to think back to all the times we hung out but I just couldn't remember if he said anything that gave me a clue to what he wanted me for. As I was walking to Drizzle's house I wondered if Ali would be there since we did everything together.
I arrived at the house and Drizzle met me at the door. He didn't look as if he had slept.
"Is Ali here yet?"
"No, I didn't call him. I just want to speak to you!" He went and sat on the sofa. I went over and joined him. Whatever he wanted to talk to me about - it must have been pretty serious.
"Um..." I just stared at him 'till he finished his sentence " I wanted to tell you but I don't know what you would think. But I have been accepted to go on the exchange trip to France for six months."
I couldn't believe my ears, Drizzle was leaving me.
"I know you have been unhappy, Nilly, and I want to stay here with you. But this is the opportunity of a lifetime. It's not for long either. So what do you think?"
"Wow, France, that's a long way. Good for you, just, wow." This was not what I had expected. Another person leaving.
"You're not mad?"
"No, why would I be?" I had to force a smile. If this is what he wanted then so be it. "When do you leave?"
"Next month, I can't wait! My new exchange buddy is called Ananas. She seems absolutely nice, we have been talking since we found out we were buddies."
"That is nice. Uh, Drizzle, I have to go."
"Sure, you would tell me if you weren't okay with this, right?"
"Yeah, 'course. Bye."
I left his house to go home. All I could think about was that it was me that was sending people away. It must have been, otherwise why would everyone leave? I tried to cry but the tears never came.
The day came when we saw Drizzle off. I didn't want to go but Alizarin made me. So off we went to Drizzle's house with Dad and Mocha.
The Giallo's had made a huge party out of the occasion. They were excited with his opportunity. I put on my best fake smile. (It seemed I had gotten better at those). I tried my best for Drizzle, knowing how happy he was.
Ali stuck with me to keep me company. It was nearing 4 o'clock and Drizzle had to get to the airport. While everyone was saying their goodbyes I stayed back. When all the byes had been said Drizzle looked at me and I just couldn't help it, I ran into his arms. Tears rolled down my face as he held me in his arms. This guy, the one that had stood by me when everyone else had bullied me, my first real friend and he was leaving.
"Nilly, don't cry we can still talk over the computer and we can send letters. It's not for long, I'll be back before you know it."
I wanted to ask him not to leave, but with all the crying I couldn't speak. When my arms finally let go of him he got into the car and drove out of town.
Oh Nilly.. He's going to France for 6 months, he's not leaving you. I can understand why she's upset, but he's right - they can easily say in touch with their computers, letters and maybe even some rare phone calls.