I was still ill from the stress most mornings when I awoke I ran straight to the bathroom to throw up. Even if I hadn't eaten at all my stomach still seemed to want to jump out of my mouth. I even stopped running since I didn't have the energy to run or do anything for that matter. Since I stopped running my clothes started to feel a little uncomfortable.
At school I stopped pranking there was no point in it no without Ali. Since I was friends with him everyone avoided me like the plague. Walking down the hall I could see everyone's eyes on me. Even if I couldn't see them I could feel there stares burning into me. The whispering was the worst. Just like when I first started school in this town. Just what I needed.
On the plus side my grades were going up. I spent all my time studying now days. I might as well not waste this opportunity that Ali gave me. It was in one of my study sessions that I heard the door knock. I paid no attention to it and just carried on with my critical thinking essay. I could feel my bedroom door open. I looked up into my mirror and there in the door was Drizzle.
"A sight for sore eyes." His face lit up with the biggest smile. Before I could stop myself and take in what happened I was in his arms.
"I can't believe you stayed there longer Drizzle" tears were flowing down my face. " I have missed you"
"I know you did, I am sorry about not keeping in contact we were in the countryside so the internet is not that reliable. I really am sorry" He looked so different more refined. I took him into the front room so we could sit on the sofa I had a feeling he was going to be here a while.
" What happened to your hair? It's not brown anymore!" That was one of the biggest changes I had noticed.
He just laughed "Well the town I was staying at is very conservative. So things like hair-dye was a big no-no. You should have seen it I couldn't get the brown out or re-dye it, I looked like a weird skunk." I really missed his laugh. I wonder if things would have gone that far if he stayed. "You still look the same though. Hey... um... I heard what happened with Anzac I can't believe that Ali did that. Do you know what happened?"
Oh I forgot that Drizzle would find out he was after all the Tussock's neighbor. I knew that I have to lie to him otherwise Ali's sacrifice would of been for nothing,
"I only know what was in the papers Drizzle. I really don't want to talk about it. Lets talk about France what was the food like" To be honest I wasn't really Interested in France but it was better than talking about Ali.
He told me everything from the food to the craziness of the town not allowing different colored Berries to marry talk about 20th century living.
He was here for hours before he told me his news. He was dating Ananas. His exchange 'sister' and that she would be here next month, so that she can start the new school year with us. I was glad that he had found someone, although I don't really know what she was like. The way Drizzle talked about her made it seem like they were perfect for one another.
I walked him to the door and watched him as he started to walk home, as Mocha was arriving. I felt my stomach cramp up the pain was unbearable. I collapsed onto the floor. The last thing I remember was seeing Mocha's concerned face above me.
When I awoke. I was in a room that I didn't recognize.
It was a small square room. The walls and floor were a bright white. The bed I was led on was hard and lumpy. A constant hum of machines whirred to my right. Faint footsteps were coming to the door. The door opened and in came Mocha and someone that I did not recognize.
"I am glad to see you awake Miss Ciel. I am Doctor Olive. You are at Sacred Fruits Hospital." His face was kind like how you would imagine a grandparent would be. "You collapsed so we ran some tests and we found that your appendix had burst. We have removed it but we ran into a complication. It seems a congratulations is in order. You are pregnant!"
"Pregnant!?" both mocha and I said at the same time. "This can't be right she has never had... Have you?"
I was still reeling from the news that I didn't hear Mocha. I looked at my stomach. There is a baby in there. No this can't be right I am too young. It's impossible. I felt a tugging on my arm.
"Nilly I asked you a question. Who have you slept with?"
"I haven't...I mean it was only once. We didn't think of using anything" I can't believe this is happening.
A soft cough came from the Doctor we both turned to him.
" I know this is a shock but you have had surgery Miss Ciel. So I would like to keep you in for observations. I would also like for you to try and relax as much as possible. Since we calculated you to be about 14 weeks into your pregnancy we would like for you to see the midwife. If there is anything you need please do not hesitate to ask. I shall leave you two to do some talking."
As he left the room Mocha was straight on the phone to Dad. She was telling him what happened missing out the pregnancy. I missed the rest of the conversation zoning out thinking about what I should do next. I just had to get up to think.
When her attention was finally back on my I could see the disappointment in her face.
"I haven't told your father about the uh... baby. I shall leave that to you when he comes off of his tour. Who is the father please tell me you do know"
"Of course I know I can't believe you think that I slept around. I told you we only did it once" This was unbelievable how can she accuse me of this!
"Stop skipping around the question Vanilla Ciel. Who is the father?" She was getting mad I knew I had to tell her. It was going to come out anyway. I know that the moment that I say his name that all the tears I have been keeping in would burst out.
" Ali. It was Ali." I buried my head into my hands and the tears ran like rivers down my face. Mocha sighed before pulling me into a hug. She said nothing and just let me cry into her shirt.
When my crying was replaced by sobs that caught in my throat, hours had gone by. Mocha was still by my side. I wiped my face it was a little sore and tear stained.
"Now that you are a bit calmer. Nilly we need to figure this out." I knew what she was saying whether I was going to keep it or... the alternatives. "Listen this is your decision I will support you with whatever you decide. I think you should tell Alizarin as well."
"I can't. I don't want him to know. He would be heartbroken." Its not only that but if it gets out that we did in fact see each other more than he let on then I would get pulled up and Ali would of sacrificed everything for nothing. "Anyway Ali isn't here he can't help me make a choice but I know that getting rid of it would hurt us both, But how am I supposed to keep it I don't know anything about babies. What happens if I am a bad mother?"
Mocha laughed. I looked at her as if she was nuts. This wasn't the time to laugh.
" Oh Nilly. That's the whole reason why I never had kids I thought I would make a bad mother. Then I met your father and he had you I still thought that I would make a bad mother, I kept telling him that before I moved in with you both. Now I don't think I have done a bad job raising you now, Have I?"
I never knew this about her she was right she was natural she knew the right things to say. If she could do it then so could I... I hope. But where was I to start from?
As if hearing my thoughts Mocha started a list." Right we need to tell your father, then get a midwife, start on the nursery, inform the school and get you prenatal vitamins and we only have 9 no 6 months now this is doable but fist we need you to heal from your surgery I don't want you to strain yourself."
With that she let me lay down to sleep it is going to be a ride.
Oh Mocha, you beautiful fantastic woman! I'm so glad she didn't get mad and is supportive instead! Just hope her father will be the same.. But with them both wanting to keep the baby he should come around, I hope.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of doctor congratulates a teenage girl on being pregnant?? :O Don't encourage them, you-
Haha A Doctor wouldn't exactly say you stupid ho your up the duff now would they :). I do like Mocha she is the mother Nilly never had. If Albus doesn't like the news I am sure Mocha would work him round to it. ^^